Homeopathy is an alternative system of medicine that is best suitable for hair and skin issues. Since homeopathy works with activating the vital force; it maintains all the functions of the body at optimum level. Homeopathy starts the healing and repair function of the body from within.
Looking at the fast pace lifestyle, pollution, food adulteration, stress, dust, allergies, autoimmune disorders, chronic diseases, etc. skin suffers a lot. Leading skin problems caused by these are open pore, acne, blemishes, patchy skin, skin dryness, pigmentation, moles, warts, rosacea, white heads, freckles, black heads, etc. These issues are aggravated more by the chemical based products that leave the skin more dead and dry.
To maintain a good, healthy and glowing skin a lot of effort is required and it is time consuming as well. The fast paced, hectic lifestyle demands less efforts and more effective skin products. Homeopathy is well known for treatment of skin issues without any side effects promising permanent results.
Homeopathy helps with all the skin issues when the medicine is given internally but the external maintaining factors like daily use of chemical products push the medicine in reverse direction. There are homeopathic medicines that are given for applying externally also that helps in rectifying the issue from outer level as well.
Medicines like calendula are known for repair and regeneration of the skin. So when it is used externally it helps to keep the skin healthy by keeping it soft, heals the daily wear n tear of the skin and helps in regenerating new healthy skin cells. Thus helps in keeping the skin issues like- acne, rosacea, blemishes, patchy dead skin away and gives a hydrated glowing skin.
Homeopathy helps to deal with skin issues caused by hectic lifestyle, bad food and stress.