Homeopathy is an ancient system of medicine originated after looking at the painful treatments and side effects of the conventional medicine. It basically works on the principle of similars cure similars. As per homeopathic principles the body has a vital force that keeps the body healthy and prevents it from falling sick. But when this vital force is out of balance then the body falls sick. In modern words you can call it the immune system of the body.
People have this very big misconception that homeopathy is slow acting and will take years to act on the patient. However homeopathy acts very fast in acute cases like cold, cough, fever, headaches, pains and aches, bleeding, infections, etc. Homeopathic medicine if selected properly can show results within minutes and heals quickly.
Homeopathy is fast acting in acute cases as the patient needs to feel better soon and can’t wait for long to get results. Homeopathy takes time in chronic diseases as the patient has been suffering from the disease since years. The vital force is also quiet disturbed in chronic diseases that take time to heal and get into balance.
Diseases like IBS, hypertension, diabetes, lichen planus, allergic rhinitis, copd, etc are chronic diseases and take time to rectify and sometimes the pathology is so advanced that the cure is impossible as pathology once set can’t be reversed.
Many a times the patients try out all the treatment options and come to a homeopath at a stage where it is next to impossible to cure them. Then they expect speedy results as well as to cure the years-long lingering diseases.
So the course of action of the medicine depends on the type of disease, the lifestyle of the patient, other underlying diseases, age and advancement of the pathology.